Sunday, December 1, 2013

Let the Surgery Begin!

stitches and knots

surgical kit

cranial midline incision for gastrotomy I have done during individual case

the girl who used to be so scared to see animals surgery is now 
very excited to do the surgical operation

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A. 13. 1, Koas Penyakit Dalam

Sebenernya mau ngepost tentang koas incil dari pas minggu transisi, tapi baru sempet sekarang. hehehehe :D

Alhamdulillah, selesai sudah putaran koas pertama sebagai pembuka yang sangat menyenangkan- koasistensi interna hewan kecil (incil), bersama teman-teman yang sangat menyenangkan pula, teman-teman kelompok koas A. 13. 1.
Elit, Pita, Nida, Dinda, Maya, Hida, Yekho, Denok, Adelyn, Henri, Hafiz, Bayu, Afi, Rico
you all are awesome!

Senaaangnyaaaaa dianugerahi teman-teman kelompok koas yang solid, teman-teman yang kritis saat berdiskusi dan belajar bersama, teman-teman yang saling merangkul dan membantu satu sama lain, teman-teman yang saling menegur dan mengingatkan bila lalai dan lupa, teman-teman yang asik untuk tertawa bersama hingga hilang penat kami :)

Semoga kita kompak selalu, A.13.1 :*

Putaran koas ini dilaksanakan di klinik hewan kuningan FKH UGM selama 6 minggu, dan 1 minggu di Rumah Sakit Hewan Prof. Soeparwi.
Kalau yang sudah biasa magang di klinik-klinik hewan pasti ga akan kaget saat memasuki koas bagian ini. Karena sistem di klinik hewan kuningan ini lebih kepada learning by doing. Jadi kami sebagai dokter hewan muda, berhadapan langsung dengan klien tanpa didampingi oleh dokter jaga. Mulai dari meng-anamnesa klien, melakukan pemeriksaan fisik pasien, pemeriksaan per-sistema, mendiagnosa, menyusun rencana pengobatan, dan tindakan terapi dilakukan dengan sendiri, tapi semua tetap dikonsultasikan dengan dokter jaga.

Ada plus dan minusnya sih dengan sistem seperti ini. Plus-nya, kita jadi lebih mandiri, lebih banyak belajar (karena lebih banyak penasarannya, hehehe), berlatih berkomunikasi dengan klien, memberikan client educations, cocok untuk yang nantinya mau jadi praktisi, bakal ambil kesempatan ini sebaik-baiknya sebagai pengalaman berharga. Minus-nya, kadang dokter jaga gak selalu langsung meng-acc diagnosa atau rencana pengobatan yang kita buat, atau dokter jaga sedang sibuk hingga mengharuskan untuk keluar klinik. Tindakan apapun yang dilakukan oleh seorang koas harus sudah disetujui oleh dokter jaga. Jadi kalau belum di ACC atau dapat persetujuan, memperlama proses penanganan kita terhadap pasien, apalagi kalau pasien yang kita tangani termasuk pasien emergency. Bisa menunggu hingga berjam-jam untuk mendapat persetujuan dari dokter jaga.

Saat konsultasi dengan dokter jaga atau konsulen pun jadi hal yang tak terlupakan untuk para koas. Ada konsulen yang supeeer dupeeerrrr baik hati, ada konsulen yang perfectionist dan super mendetail, ada konsulen yang hobinya ceramah sampai berjam-jam, ada juga konsulen yang hobinya marahin anak koas (benar aja dimarahin, apalagi kalau salah. hahaha), dan biasanya kalau udah begini, backsound yang pas untuk kita nyanyiin bareng-bareng adalah Raisa-Serba Salah. Hahaha! But most of all, mereka semua menginginkan kita menjadi yang terbaik, menjadi dokter hewan yang berkualitas dan bermental baja! :D

Selama koas di klinik banyak banget hal-hal serunya, dapat pengalaman baru mengobati pasien kelinci, burung, ayam, hamster, landak mini, dll. Biasanya hanya familiar dengan kucing dan anjing, hehehe. Ikut pengabdian masyarakat pelayanan vaksin rabies gratis, test toksoplasma gratis, dan pengobatan gratis saat Dies Natalis FKH UGM ke-67, juga turut berpartisipasi sebagai petugas pemeriksa hewan qurban di daerah kota Yogyakarta, dan kebersamaan seperti saat-saat merawat pasien-pasien di stasioner atau rawat inap (pengalaman tak terlupakan banget dari kasus anjing Zizi dan kucing Shiro, and I'm sure, you guys will never ever ever forget this one!), dan setiap kontrol malam untuk pengobatan kasus mandiri.

first time handling hedgehog for intramuscular injection

Saat koas di RSH pun seruu bangeeet. Kasus-kasus di IRD nya lebih banyak dan bervariasi, terus sering ikut dokter bedah juga melihat jalannya operasi, housecall, latihan meracik obat-obatan, ikut pengobatan pagi dan malam untuk pasien rawat inap, jaga malam di RSH, dokter-dokternya pun ramah, enak untuk berdiskusi :)
I reeeeally had a great time!

Aku dan teman-teman saat shift malam di RSH :)

Ohyaaaa, untuk lulus dari koas incil ini, selain harus menangani minimal 60 pasien, juga harus mengambil satu pasien untuk dijadikan kasus mandiri dan diujiankan (seminar kasus mandiri). Dan, pasien kasus mandiriku adalah seekor kucing persia lucuu bernama Putih yang menderita acute viral rhinitis.

naaah ini.. Aku dan Putih. Narsis saat visit malam terakhir :D

ini Putih pas sudah sembuh, makannya banyaak, pulang-pulang beratnya nambah :')

Beginilah kurang lebih kenangan saat koas incil yang dapat dituliskan..7 minggu terasa berjalan sangat cepat.
and last but not least, mau ngucapin terimakasih juga buat mas-mbak senior di incil, mbak titin, mas imam abror, mbak tamaya, mas rejun, mbak noni, mas dandy, mbak anggi, mbak ika, mas lilik, mbak norma, mbak ticta, mas moko, mas dika, dll semua kakak-kakak A. 12. 2 dan A. 12. 8, terimakasih atas kerjasamanya selama koas di incil, berbagi pengalaman dan juga canda tawanya yang tak terlupakan :"). Selamat Desember besok akan dilantik menjadi dokter hewan, semoga sukses selalu terus menyertai kalian. :)

Well done, Internal Medicine! Welcome another happy rotation, 
A. 13. 1 goes to Surgery and Radiology! :D

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Bird, you special thing

Here is a picture I took of a blood smear made during a haematology lab (internal medicine section). Those groovy looking cells you see are in fact Red Blood Cells! This smear is chicken blood. The special thing about all bird blood is that the RBC are nucleated :)

Sunday, October 27, 2013

My Sister's Wedding

October 20th, 2013 was an unforgettable big day for my happy sister and her spouse. I wish them both always be happy, loyal, always love and care each other forever. Now she through her new life, being a wife and probably in a year soon being a mommy! :D

I hope you always happy forever, sister.. always success in your educations to reach your dreams, and for the next doctoral degree.. success in your career, as always..and being a good wife and mom :)
I know your spouse will be a very very good husband and father, he can leads you to be a better person and makes you getting closer to Allah.
and may your life completed with children who can be proud of..

Congratulations Teh Icha & A' Surdi :)
Allah bless you both, always... 
:) :) :)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Cerita Dari Sahabat


Suatu hari camelia, seorang gadis yang cantik tiba tiba berada di sebuah taman yang sangaaaat indah. rumputnya rapi dan terlihat sangat hijau, bermacam bunga bermekaran. ia bahkan bisa merasakan segarnya semilir udara dan harumnya bunga disekitarnya. ada beberapa bangku yang cantik dan juga sebuah sungai yang sangat jernih hingga dasarnya bisa terlihat.

Camelia tidak sendirian di taman itu, ada banyak sekali perempuan yang juga sedang menikmati keindahan taman itu. karena ia kebingungan, ia pun menghampiri salah seorang gadis cantik. wajahnya sangaaat bersih, seakan akan memancarkan cahaya yang sangat lembut.

"Assalamu'alaikum... aku camelia" sapanya

"Wa'alaikumussalam. Selamat datang saudariku.." jawab gadis cantik tadi ramah
"Terima kasih.." sahutnya "Disini begitu indah ya, apakah ini surga?"

perempuan tadi tersenyum "Tentu saja bukan, saudariku. Ini hanya tempat menunggu sebelum waktunya kita masuk surga"

"Benarkah?? Tak bisa kubayangkan seperti apa indahnya surga jika tempat menunggunya saja sudah seindah ini.." jawab camelia terkagum

perempuan itu tersenyum lagi "Amalan apa yang bisa membuatmu sampai kemari, saudariku?"

"Aku selalu berusaha shalat tepat waktu, aku menambahnya dengan ibadah sunnah dan mengaji, aku bersikap santun kepada orang tuaku, aku juga menjaga sikap dan perbuatanku kepada orang lain, dan sekarang aku sedang berusaha menjilbabi hatiku" jawabnya tersenyum bangga

"Alhamdulillaah.." katanya seraya tersenyum juga

Tiba-tiba diujung taman, ia melihat sebuah pintu yang sangat indah. pintu itu sedikit terbuka. terlihat perempuan-perempuan yang lain seakan menghirup wangi yang begitu harum. ia kebingungan karena tidak mencium aroma selain bunga bunga yang daritadi ia hirup. biasa saja menurutnya. yang lain seperti menikmati aroma yang tersebar melalui pintu yang sedikit terbuka itu, bahkan perempuan yang jauh disana pun beberapa terlihat tersenyum menghirup sesuatu.

Beberapa perempuan yang berada di dekat pintu itu mulai bangkit dan mendekati pintu. mereka mulai memasukinya satu persatu.

"Ayo kita ikuti mereka" kata perempuan cantik disampingnya seraya berdiri

"Ada apa dibalik pintu itu?" kata Camelia sambil berdiri mengikuti perempuan itu

"Tentu saja ada surga, tidakkah kau cium aroma wangi surga?" katanya mulai berjalan, semakin lama jalannya semakin cepat dan setengah berlari

Camelia bingung karena ia bahkan tidak mencium hal aneh selain wangi taman dan bunga bunga

"Tunggu, tunggu akuuu...." ia berlari berusaha mengejar, namun tetap saja tertinggal.

Sejenak perempuan cantik tersebut bingung, lalu melambatkan langkahnya sambil menunggunya. Camelia mempercepat larinya namun tetap saja tidak mampu mengejar perempuan cantik tadi, padahal perempuan tadi hanya berjalan. ia lalu berteriak

"Amalan apa yang telah engkau lakukan sehingga langkahmu begitu ringan???"

"Sama seperti yang engkau ceritakan, saudariku" jawab perempuan cantik itu sambil tersenyum

Perlahan langkah perempuan cantik itu telah mencapai pintu, pintu yang bagi Camelia terasa begitu jauh. sebelah kaki perempuan cantik tadi telah melewati pintu. sebelum perempuan itu melewati pintu sepenuhnya, ia menoleh dan tersenyum.

"Amalan apalagi yang kau lakukan yang tidak ku lakukan??" katanya berteriak

Perempuan cantik tadi tidak menjawab. Tiba-tiba seorang perempuan cantik lain dan bersinar lembut menghampiri Camelia. wanginya sangat harum dan menenangkan.

"Apakah kamu tidak memperhatikan dirimu? apa yang membedakanmu dengan kami? kita sesama muslimah, sama sama berlaku baik, menjaga shalat, mengamalkan sunnah, menjaga sikap dan hati" kata perempuan ini

Camelia tak mampu lagi menjawab pertanyaan itu, ia sudah kehabisan napas karena berlari.

Perempuan tadi melanjutkan menjawab pertanyaan itu sendiri "Langkahmu jarang kamu gunakan untuk melangkah menuju Allah, kamu tidak mudah tergerak untuk menambah ilmu agamamu, dan apakah kamu mengira Rabb-mu akan mengizinkanmu masuk ke surga-Nya tanpa jilbab menutupi auratmu?"

Perempuan ini lalu berjalan dan meninggalkannya menuju pintu. Camelia hanya tertunduk pilu dan sakit hati. ia melihat banyak perempuan lain yang terjatuh dan menangis disekitarnya, sebagian besar tidak berjilbab, ada juga yang berjilbab dan sudah dekat dengan pintu, namun tak kuasa lagi mengangkat kakinya. mereka dan Camelia adalah salah satu dari yang tidak bisa masuk kesana. entah apapun alasannya

setelah perempuan tadi masuk ke dalam pintu itu, tiba-tiba ia mengintip keluar, memandang Camelia dan berkata "Sungguh sangat disayangkan amalanmu yang banyak itu tidak mampu membuatmu mengikutiku memasuki surga ini untuk dirimu. Cukuplah surga hanya sampai pada hatimu, karena niatmu adalah menghijabi hati"

Camelia tertegun. menangis. lalu terbangun.

istighfar tak henti mengalir dari mulutnya.



Terimakasih untuk cerita indahnya, Sayyidah Fithrie Umami Syuhada <3
semoga dapat menginspirasi teman-teman semua

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

That Words

When the vet that you admire the most tells you that you are going to be an excellent veterinarian one day <3

Looking for every inch of motivation that I can! :)

Saturday, September 14, 2013

You know you're a vet student

You know you're a vet student when.....
You start folding your towels like you would fold a surgical drape  ;)

Add caption

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Living the Dream

I love animals especially a cat since I was a kid. My parents are animal lovers too, so all of their children including me really love an animal! A furry-four legs already been as our family members since I was at the elementary school. Betsy, Embreng, Engkeng, Ebel, Cilit, Ncung, Ideung, Macan, etc etc..and all of them treated well by our family and got veterinary attention too. So, my life was not strange to the existence of the vet since I was a little girl.

Ever one night, my cat was found in front of the door near the garden. She laid unconscious on the floor. Her coat was caked with blood around her belly. Her gums were pale, her breathing shallow and rapid. My mom soon called the veterinarian to visit our house and take care for her. Not long after that, the vet came to my house and after examining her, he decided to do the minor surgery because there's a long-deep wound in her belly. I cried and entered my room, how come there's a wound like that in her belly?? I was afraid if there's something terrible happens to her. The vet need to close the wound by suturing it. The vet prepared his minor surgical tools and the surgery was done in the living room. In the mean time, I was so scared to see the surgical operation.

"Personally, I have always felt that the best doctor in the world is the veterinarian. He can't ask his patients what is the matter.. He's just got to know." - Will Roger

My parents always bring our cats to the vet clinic to get routine examination and every our cats got sick. My thought was, "how do vets diagnose the disease? How do they know that animals are really have a serious illness? Their patients can not speak to tell where's hurt." So, they must have an extraordinary mind and instinct, very good listening, speaking, critical thinking and problem solving skills. They are able to draw conclusions by piecing together strands of information or examination results that may not seem related to one another. Challenging!

yes, I love the challenge! CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!!! :D

I love animals and I want to pursue a career in medicine, then I considered to become a veterinarian. Veterinarian care for sick and injured animals, and like other doctors, perform surgeries and prescribe medications.

Vets work is widely varied and include such activities as clinical practice, biomedical research, education, diagnostic laboratories, consultations, or safeguarding our nation's food supply. They work to control the spread of disease. They conduct research that helps both animals and humans. Veterinarians are the forefront of protecting the public's health and welfare.

Some graduates specialise in small animals (dogs, cats, and/or exotic pets), large animals (horses and/or ruminants), or work in a mixed animal practice with small and large animals. Others may focus on wildlife, laboratory, poultry or fish farming. Whatever the specialty, veterinarians are dedicated to maintaining and promoting animal health.

vet practice is amazing!

Since I loved and very enjoyed to have a part time or work at clinic or veterinary hospital, I want to be a veterinarian specialise in small animals practice and after being a vet I want to have additional training to specialize and get certified in internal medicine and surgery.

I ever had an experiment at poultry for about 3 months, took a great care of day-old-chicks until they ready to cut at the slaughter house. Given daily a combination of L-carnitine and multivitamin that can changed body fat into muscle or carcasses. After that, analized the histopathology of their effects to the liver and kidney. The experiment was done successfully. I was totally worked at it, but you know, I didn't feel satisfied. I just done that. That's all.

And the same way happens again when I worked at laboratory. My lecturer asked me to help her new project at pharmacology and microbiology laboratories and this research will be my thesis as a reward. I conducted antimicrobial agents to the Gram negative bacteria. I was so glad to have kind of research like this and with a good work and spirit I finished this research on time and got best results. But, yeah.. I didn't feel my soul there when I worked at laboratory.

Unlike all of those, I always been in love and enjoy at clinic or veterinary hospital. I can meet and play with dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, and the other exotic pets. I want to be a practitioner. Wear a trusty-white coat with a stethoscope, perform the physical examination --most start at the head and work towards the tail, take time to evaluate every system in between, wear scrubs and perform surgeries, write prescribes, give medications, heal the pain of the injured animals, promote animals' health, interact with the owner of the animals --it's like sharing with the person with the same interests. That's not really matter if I work overtime til exhausted or til drop because I love it. I do it with all of my heart. I love my hands doing that! :D

Pekingese at work. I love my job! :D

And you know, only you, yourself, can understand and feel satisfied when you do something you really love. You feel that your soul there..

"To be successful, the first thing to do is fall in love with your work" - Mary Lauretta

"Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success. When you do a thing, do it with all your might. Put your whole soul into it. Stamp it with your own personality. Be active, be energetic and faithful, and you will accomplish your object. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

And what vets told me the most if I really want to be a successful practitioner is that I have to improve my skill, skill, and skill. "Because you're nothing if you only have a brain but your heart and hands can't work properly together", and I must provide exemplary medicine to patients and outstanding service to clients, need outstanding communication skills, enthusiastic team with a good sense of humor, improve both medical quality and business performance, and the other important thing is compassionate commitment to pet care. 

"Follow your passion, and success will follow you." - Terri Guillemets 

 "If there is no passion in your life, then have you really lived? Find your passion, whatever it may be. Become it, and let it become you and you will find great things happen FOR you, TO you and BECAUSE of you." - T. Alan Armstrong

absolutely right!

Living the dream

One thing that makes me smile, looking over at my stethoscope and realize that yes... I have indeed made it into vet school and yes, I am living the dream! :) :) :)

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Entering the phase where I need more sacrifices and efforts to change the title from behind into in front of my name...

Yup! I'm already graduated from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada on 27th August 2013, left all the things about college and start the new things in life.. being a coass or young doctor or yes.. young vet which is not only learning from theory, but I will do more practice as well. Yeaayy I love it!! because learning by doing is soooo much fun! Spend a lot of times at the animal hospital, horse ranch, poultry, dairy farm, feedlot cattle, zoo, etc. I can't imagine my coass life would be so wonderful. I get to play with kittens, puppies, piglet, bunnies, sloth and the other cute animals out there. ><

I'm officially Bachelor of Vet Med :)

happiness is seeing my lovely parents smile because of me! :D

My lovely campus :)

I'm growing up in Veterinary Medicine

Before becoming a coass there were a lot of things i had to do including comprehensive test, and from all the students (about 170 students) who took the test will divide into two sections based on their scores. Luckily, I got the best score so that I'm into first section and will start as a coass on 9th September 2013. Each section
will devide again into 6 groups, and me in the first group (A.13.1) :D

The first rotation will be at clinic or veterinary hospital. What a great opening, huh? :D
Here's the coass rotations that I will get through for the next 1.5 years ...
Small Animal Internal Medicine - Surgery and Radiology - Large Animal Internal Medicine - Obstetric and Gynecology - Administration and Veterinary Public Health - Laboratory Diagnostic.

Me & my bestfriends. We're proud to be a vet

young vets ;)

Growing up to the "next level" also means ready to change to be better. The way of thinking, acting must be suitable as an adult learning. It's a bit hard, but I won't give up easily. My hard work is the way to make parents proud. Yes, I should be ready for that. I wish everything happens successfully from the very beginning til the end. With passion, efforts and prayers, every dreams can be come true. Keep up the good work and spirit! Never give up, because great things take time.

Okay, welcome to the new life, coass life.... Bismillah, on progress to be a Doctor of Veterinary medicine. :)
