Friday, October 30, 2015

About Us

I met him once in 2011. We didn't talk much at that time, didn't notice each other, just a very simple greeting between us. And then, we didn't see each other for 4 years. 
During those year, we through our life with other person, love other person, went through our own life ups and downs. maybe we forgot that we ever met. just flew away...
Till God finally arranged our second meeting.. In 2014, accidentally meeting again at the same toefl class that we took at FEB UGM. He still remember me, with my new version, because the first time we met I wasn't wearing hijab yet.. Like two close friends whom finally meet again, I love when he was talking about his ideas, dreams, and he can make me laugh. And I love his personality. But for the first time of course we felt the awkwardness ><
Til finally we fall in love each other. Day by day, we through our love story together, there's happiness and absolutely, -the sadness. How to solve the problem with patient and forgiveness. Don't reply someone's anger and jealousy with anger too. Let's prove not just by words, so people can see..
Eventhough it's short period of time, enough for me to know his characteristic, his background, to be very very close to his parents especially his mom, and big family, and I'm really proud of him!
It's amazing how God united two persons. And decided to say yes and will marry him of course I already asked for the direction every night to God and my parents. Not just say "YES". If he's my right to reach the blessing in this world and bring to Jannah, please God united us how hard the situation, please calm down the heart.
It's not the matter of how long you know the person, if you ready, God will give you the way, because God is always on time..
And one thing, if this path is your destiny and right for you, just like counting 1..2..3..!! You can feel the easiness come along to your life. If not, maybe that's not belong to you.

I love you, the one that I was lookin for..

Monday, October 19, 2015

One Step Closer ☺️

Hallooo.. assalamualaikum.. :)
Udah lama bgt gak ngeblog, sekalinya ngeblog mau posting tentang .. Lamaran! :)

Alhamdulillah, proses lamaran pd tgl 26 September 2015 kemarin berjalan dgn lancar. Dan sekarang lagi ngerasain deg-degannya, ribetnya, stresnya, pusingnya ngurusin persiapan nikah. Tapi senengnya juga buanyaak.. :')

Rasanya campur aduk pas keluarga besar mas ghifar mulai dateng ke rumah untuk melamar. Bapak, ibu, adek, om, tante, pakde, budhe dateng segerombolan dari Slawi dan ada yg beberapa dari Purwakarta dan Jakarta. Uniknya ni saat lamaran dibawain banyak hantaran makanan tradisional dan semuanya itu ada maknanya. Misalnya ni ada jenang (dodolnya orang jawa) yang artinya supaya hubungan rumah tangga kelak selalu lengkeeett seperti jenang. Hehehe.

Acara lamarannya standard sih seperti pada umumnya. Pertama ada sambutan dari keluarga pihak perempuan, waktu itu Om Iman yang memberi kata sambutan dari pihak keluarga aku, dan pakdhe Yanto yg memberi sambutan balik dan maksud melamar dari pihak keluarga mas ghifar. Kemudian ada sedikit tentang ceramah, acara inti yaitu tukar cincin yang disematkan oleh Mamah dan Ibu. dan penentuan tanggal pernikahan. Jeng..jeng..jeengggg..... ><
Acara ditutup dengan doa dan makan siang bersama.
Terimakasih kepada keluarga besar mamah dan papah, ibu dan bapak, beserta teman-teman tersayang yang sudah hadir dalam salah satu momen berharga dalam hidup ku.

Terimakasih Ya Allah atas anugerah indah di hari itu, mohon doanya semoga persiapan menuju hari H lancar yaa, dan selalu diberkahi Allah. Aamiin ^^